Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School is Now in Session

Welcome to Pre-K Prep School!

My name is Alex.  I teach a mixed-age class (mostly toddlers) at an academic ministry preschool.  This is my first teaching job in a couple of years.

I began my early childhood education career in 2008.  I had just left college in the middle of my second year, and was feeling a little lost.  My aunt is the Head Start teacher in the town I lived in, so I decided to volunteer to help with their circus day.  I had so much fun that I came back every single day for the rest of the school year (and was even honored at the county Head Start banquet).

After the school year ended, I set off in search of my first full-time job, hoping to get on at a preschool or daycare.  I got a job a month or so later at a faith-based daycare and preschool in my hometown; it was part-time at first, and I was mainly a floater to help out the two teachers (at the time, there was only a 3-year-old class and a 4-and-5 year old class).  That fall, we added a two-year-old class, and after the teacher left on her lunch break and never came back, I was put in charge of the class until a replacement teacher could be hired.  A couple of months later, a teacher was hired, and I was moved to be the assistant in the 4-and-5s room (though it ended up being more of a co-teacher/lead teacher role -- that position really helped me understand the responsibility and work needed to run a classroom).

I continued on in this role until summer, when I left.  I had several weeks I would need off that summer (I went on a mission trip to Haiti and spent three weeks as a church camp counselor), and I couldn't get that much time off.  I don't regret my decision; I grew so much that summer and learned so much about myself.  When I returned at the beginning of August, I searched for another teaching job, but had difficulty.  I humbly asked my former boss for my job back, and she was kind enough to give it to me.  On my first day back, she told me the lead teacher had called that morning to say she was quitting; I was now the lead teacher.  From August to July, I taught the 4 & 5-year-old class and absolutely loved it.  I had amazing kids, great coworkers, and a lot of ideas.

I spent July and August 2010 supervising the school-aged kids, because I was moving at the end of August.  I spent the time leading up to my move trying to find a teaching job in my new city to no avail.  I continued to look after the move, but still had no luck.

My husband and I started trying for a baby in spring 2011 (which is when we got married as well).  We never expected to have fertility issues.  After I had a hysterical pregnancy that fall, it became unbearable for me to be around kids, even my own nieces and nephews, so I stopped looking for a teaching job.  At that time, I wasn't sure I would even want to teach again.

Over time, I've been slowly healing emotionally.  A couple of months ago, I decided I was ready to try to get back into teaching, so I started looking for openings.  I was blessed to find a position pretty quickly, and that's what brings us to the present.  I started on Monday (TB tests, staff meetings, and classroom prep), and the rest of this week (and most of next week) will be all about classroom prep, before Parent Orientation Night and Visitation Day next week.  Our first day of classes is September 4th.

I hope to eventually return to school and get my Early Childhood Education degree.

I decided to begin this blog to help share my ideas and connect with other teachers.  I also didn't want to clog up my personal blog, Good Girl Gone Wife, with a bunch of school-related stuff.  With some encouragement from my readers, I decided to go for it.

I picked the name Pre-K Prep School for a couple of reasons.  First of all, I'm in love with the preppy color pallette (which is pretty recognizable, if you're a Good Girl Gone Wife reader!), which I fell in love with on prep style staple Lilly Pulitzer's website awhile ago.  Secondly, I'm mostly teaching toddlers (who aren't quite old enough for Pre-K, obviously), so I'm prepping them for Pre-K (get it? Wocka wocka).  I know the blog is, but as it grows there will be more features.

So there you have it.  I'm excited to begin this blog journey with you!


  1. i love it! LOVE it! Super cute and, as a former pre-k teacher ( I wonder when people are going to figure out we are the same person) I am excited to see it all :)

    1. Thank you!

      And it's true, we totally are the same person. It's really kind of creepy.

    2. It really really is. Maybe we grew up in the same womb... you do look familiar... lol

  2. ps, your captcha is on and took me 6 tries. I don't recommend hitting the button that says what it is. It sounds possessed and made max cock his head back and forth then attack my computer :/

    1. Oh my gosh, that's mortifying. You know how much I hate captchas :/ I forgot they came standard and forgot to turn it off!

    2. lol thats ok! I knew you did so I thought I would give you a heads up :)
