Thursday, August 30, 2012

Classroom Sneak Peek

I really should have taken more pictures of my classroom some time over the past couple of days, because my room has been finished and decorated for Parent Orientation Night and Visitation Day, but I forgot to.  Instead of showing you a bunch of half-finished pictures, I will show you one I took the other day of the first thing I completed in the classroom.

All of our classrooms are supposed to have a theme. The Pre-K class is owls (and puzzles), the Preschool II class is the ocean, and the Preschool I class is Adventuring/Exploring (pirates and the like).  I wanted to do something cool, but a little unexpected.  Last year, the teacher in my room did a jungle theme (So. Many. Monkeys.), but that's not really my style (I'm really not into monkeys).  I decided to go with a space theme; it's cool, it's educational, and it doesn't automatically scream preschool (not that that's a bad thing). 

I didn't want to go overboard with decorating, because I like to let the kids' artwork make up most of the decoration, but I wanted to use lots of stars.  Not only do they look cool (a star is my favorite shape), but it reinforces the idea of a star as a shape for my group of mostly two-year-olds.

So anyway, here are some of my stars :)


  1. How often are you allowed to change your theme? Or do you have to keep it the same. Also, is this a pre-school or a center? Just asking because it might change what the parents expect to see when they pick up their children. (IE:homework, paperwork…even if they are only two)

    1. I guess technically we could change themes at any time, but as a general rule, they keep the same theme throughout the year.

      And it's a preschool. We're technically a ministry, because we're in a church, but we're pretty much run separately and the emphasis is academic things.

    2. I love the stars. I liked you on facebook. I couldn't find your Google account. I found you through the Aloha Friday Blog Hop. Have a great day. :)
